Children’s Ministry
Partnering with parents to make disciples
Matthew 6:33 says Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be provided for you.
GBC’s goal is to maintain a healthy student ministry. We focus on three essential nutrients; kingdom building, heart transformation and bringing up a generation who will shape the culture instead of the culture shaping them. Our mission is to “Glorify God by Worshiping Him, Loving One Another, and Making His Disciples”.
All children’s ministry partners have a complete background check prior to serving. Many are CPR certified. Annual training opportunities are offered to keep our partners well aware of the many issues to children growing up in the world today. We strive to provide the safest environment we can for all our children.
Birth-4 year olds 9:45 and 11:00 Sunday mornings. There are 2-3 adults that always serve in the classroom.
K-8th grades 9:45 Sunday mornings using the “Dig-in” curriculum from Group publishing.
K-3rd grade 11:15 Sunday morning using “The Gospel Project for Kids” from Lifeway publishing

Crossroads is a class for students in 8th – 12th grades. Students will spend time reading God’s Word and correctly applying it to their lives. Crossroads meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:45am and Wednesday Nights at 6pm upstairs in the Youth Room.
AWANA: Approved Workman are Not Ashamed
AWANA is a fun and engaging ministry that reaches children and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Bible verse memorization, age-appropriate Bible lessons, songs, prayer and games, students are exposed to the truth of God’s Word. The goal of the AWANA ministries is to develop leaders and disciple children to walk with Christ for life.
The Grace Baptist’s AWANA ministries start at age 3 and continue through 8th grade.
Cubbies: Ages 3 (fully potty-trained) – PreKindergarten
SPARKS: Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
T&T: 3rd – 5th Grade
Seekers: 6th -8th Grade
Grace Baptist Church has established a FREE ministry resource for families that have chosen to Homeschool their children in our community. On Wednesday mornings from 10:00am to 12:15pm we will be having age-appropriate classes for Elementary, Middle, and High School students.
Arrival & Registration begins at 9:30am in the Sanctuary
Classes begin at 9:45am with Announcements and Prayer in the Sanctuary.
Dismissal will begin at 12:20pm outside of the Sanctuary
For proper security we are using an online sign-in system that requires each parent to bring their child into the church and come to pick them up at dismissal with the security tag assigned to their child. Please know that each teacher and helper is a member of Grace Baptist Church and has passed a national background check. Also, for the safety of each child, we will not be allowing parents to stay in the church after classes have begun.
Jail Ministry
“To open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.” Isaiah 42:7
This is the mission of Grace Baptist Church’s ministry at the Patrick County Jail. Our team consists of long-standing members of Grace Baptist Church who have a Spirit-led heart to bring the Gospel message to men and women who are in desperate circumstances. The Lord has opened the doors of the jail for our ministers, and the staff at the jail have been very cooperative and welcoming.
On every visit we have four separate services, one for each of the units, from minimum to maximum security and even those sitting in segregation (the “Hole”). One of our ladies reaches out to the women with the Good News along with GED classes in order to help them better their station in life. In addition, the Gideons have graciously offered to provide Bibles to any inmate who requests one.
Most of these men and women feel rejected by the world and that their lives are broken beyond repair. They feel hopeless and that they will always be outcasts. Our desire is to share with these men and women about the love that our Lord Jesus Christ is waiting to pour into their hearts if they would only let Him.
“If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36