Grace’s AWANA Ministries will meet on Wednesday, December 18th!
AWANA Ministries will be on Christmas Break and will not meet on December 25th, January 1st, January 8th and January 15th.
The AWANA Ministries will resume on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
AWANA: Approved Workman are Not Ashamed
Amid times of change, chaos, and an uncertain future, we believe the church needs to refocus on relational, scriptural, and experiential child discipleship.
AWANA offers a fun and engaging ministry that reaches children and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Bible verse memorization, age-appropriate Bible lessons, songs, prayer, and games, students are exposed to the truth of God’s Word.
The goal of the AWANA ministry is to develop leaders and disciple children to walk with Christ for life. With an unwavering commitment to the gospel, AWANA is being used to reach over 5 million kids every week in 134 countries, giving children and youth from every background an opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus for a lifetime.
Grace Baptist’s AWANA ministries start at age 3 and continue through 8th grade, meeting weekly on Wednesday nights during adult bible studies from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Cubbies: Ages 3 (fully potty-trained) – Prekindergarten
Cubbies nurtures the budding faith of preschoolers and celebrates their desire to explore all that God has created. This two-year preschool ministry curriculum features exciting games, storytelling, puppet shows, and biblical teaching as well as take-home activities and tools.
SPARKS: Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Sparks ignites a child’s curiosity about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. This three year early elementary school ministry curriculum features exciting games, engaging activities, biblical teaching and media resources for kids and leaders.

T&T: 3rd – 5th Grade
T&T explores the concept of grace by focusing on the character and nature of God, identity of Christ, as well as the structure and format of the Bible. This four-year upper elementary school ministry curriculum is created to ensure that kids and leaders connect through God’s Word.
Seekers: 6th – 7th Grade
Seekers helps students to dive deep into the Scriptures and answer the tough questions about who they are and why they are here. This three-year middle school curriculum features biblically rich content, engaging interactions and practical application for their lives.

Refuge: High School (8th – 12th Grade)
Our High School Youth Ministry, Crossroads, meets every Wednesday night from 6:00pm to 7:30pm upstairs in our Youth Room.